University Uxbridge College (UC)
Subject Unit 45- Industrial System(Electrical Engineering)

Unit 45-Temperature controlling is required in nearly each and every field application such as household, industrial and other such applications: Industrial System(Electrical Engineering) BTEC level 5 Assignment sample, UK

LO1 (Project 1) Temperature control is crucial across various fields such as household and industrial applications. Your company needs to design a domestic hot water system using a tank-based approach.

  1. Provide a diagram of a tank-based hot water system, detailing its main elements and their functions.

  2. Create a functional closed-loop block diagram highlighting inputs, outputs, transducers, controllers, actuators, and the plant. Include subsystem input and output signals as requested by the customer. Use this information, along with relevant details, to review the fundamental concepts of the electronically controlled industrial system.

  3. This project focuses on maintaining liquid temperature at a set level using methods like heat exchanger processes. The temperature is monitored using a sensor and transmitter (TT 22), with readings sent to a controller (TC 22) that compares actual and desired temperatures at the Set Point (SP).

Your supervisor has shared the system’s transfer functions with you for this assignment.

Your task involves analyzing the characteristics of an electronically controlled industrial system using specified methods. Start by identifying the method used to regulate the tank’s temperature and compare it against the set point as outlined in your assignment.

Calculate the value of K assuming Gs(s) = K with a 0.7 damping ratio. Design a PD controller with a settling time of 20% based on these parameters.

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the system’s characteristics using the provided results to fulfill your client’s requirements. Additional calculations may be necessary for a thorough evaluation.

Before implementation, your company requires a detailed performance assessment of the system. Evaluate its performance critically using appropriate techniques and calculations. Provide comprehensive recommendations for system improvement, detailing your approach to implementing these enhancements.

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