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You are currently working as a final-year apprentice in a medium-sized engineering company, and your manager has been impressed with your performance. As a result, they have decided to entrust you with more responsibilities. You will be part of a small team tasked with manufacturing a batch of an engineered…
Task 1: Give clear details of the purpose, activities, and aims of a for-profit business, and not-for business. Build on your findings for the two businesses to make a comparison, showing both similarities and differences. Criteria covered by this task: Unit/Criteria reference To achieve the criteria, you must show that…
Looking for Plagiarism free Answers for your college/ university Assignments.
Introduction In this assignment, we delve into the essential aspects of organizing and managing an event successfully. Organiser The role of the event organizer is pivotal in coordinating all aspects of the event from inception to execution. Setting up the Programme Detailed planning is crucial in setting up a structured…
Approaching the Unit This unit is practical, providing learners with the rewarding experience of organizing and delivering a successful event. Event management is a rapidly expanding industry, with a growing demand for employees who possess the organizational skills necessary to ensure the success of various events. The primary focus of…
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