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Unit 14 Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care Assignment Sample UK

Unit 14: “Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care” The learner will be able to identify the main reasons for managing financial resources in health and social care. This unit would cover a variety of issues relative to budgets, resource allocation, cost monitoring, among many others, within a healthcare organization. The areas would range from the financial systems and the regulatory requirements to the contribution of strategic planning in utilizing the available resources optimally. By comprehending how to manage financial information, students would be enabled to make effective decisions that enhance service delivery and reinforce the organizational goals. The last part of this unit attempts to provide future health and social care managers with the skills needed for optimizing financial resources while ensuring that a high level of care is maintained.

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Task 1: An Understanding of Financial Management Systems

Learning Outcome 1: Understand how systems are deployed to administer financial resources in health and social care.

Explain the principles of costing and business control systems.

Describe methods of cost analysis, and also explain how business controls are vital to health.

Define the information that one requires to manage financial resources

List key financial data such as the costs, income, and details on expenditures necessary for effective management

Explain the regulatory requirements for managing financial resources.

Outline relevant legislation and codes of practice that influence financial management in health and social care.

Assess systems to manage financial resources in a health or care organization.

Assess the accountability and transparency of varied financial management systems.

Task 2: Preparation for Financial Management

Learning Outcome 2: Understand the significance of planning in managing health and social care budgets.

Discuss the diversity of sources of income in health and social care.

Discuss different sources of funding- governmental, personal donation, insurance reimbursement, etc.

Analyze conditions of factors on which financial resources are available.

Find out about economic conditions, funding priorities, and partnership affecting the availability of financial resources.

Study diverse budget expenditure types applied in organizations of health and social care.

Compare capital and operation expenditure and project-based budgeting

Assess processes of decision regarding expenditure in health or social care organizations.

Research the budgetary management process and how decisions are made on all expenditures.

Task 3: Monitor Budget Expenditure

Learning Outcome 3: Understand the importance of monitoring budget expenditure in health and social care organizations.

Elaborate on how shortages in the budget could be created.

How should a deficit budget be managed? This would include reallocation of resources to reduce budget and other cost-cutting mechanisms.

Discuss actions to be taken in case of suspected fraud

Procedure for reporting and investigation of any financial fraud in the health and social care environment.

Appraise monitoring budgeting arrangements within a health or social care organization.

Critically review current systems of monitoring in order to identify what is missing.

Task 4: Healthy and Social Care services are financially managed.

Learning Outcome 4: Understand how systems of management for financial resources impact health and social care services.

Identify what information is needed to make financial decisions.

Offer a list of what information would be needed to make financially informed decisions for a health and social care service.

Describe and examine the service delivery-costs-expenditures nexus.

Describe and examine the service delivery-costs-expenditures nexus.

Evaluate the impact of financial considerations on individuals using health and social care services.

Assess how budgeting and financial management affect the quality of care received by individuals.

Suggest ways to improve health and social care services through changes to financial systems and processes.

Suggest action recommendations to further strengthen the financial management system in health and social care settings.

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